I think because I need

Posted by Xiaoliable on May 23, 2013

So Many Questions (Agnosticism?)

  • Quantum mechanics?Schrodinger’s cat? Why are many fundamental physical laws totally different in the macro and micro dimensions?
  • Particle infinite subdivision? Negative matter?
  • What would you see if you travel faster than light?
  • Many guys discover some laws and apply to improve the product even not figure out the principle behind. Blurry Concrete structure…
  • Human cloning? Is there any two totally same objects in different place?Actually, these special words like totally, definite, every, all always lead to paradox. Maybe this is the tough thinking limitation of human beings.
  • What about the obscure brain mechanisms? Neural network, deep learning, artificial intelligence?
  • Consciousness, spirit, soul?
  • The relation between point and line, segment and line, and so on?
  • Countable infinity, uncountable infinity?
  • What does the negative number, complex number brings to us?
  • What if the probability is not in the range from 0 to 1? What about negative probability, maybe the impossibility can simplify some calculations or create new special methods?
  • 。。。
  • So many questions can be verified in polynomial time, but there are not algorithm to solve these in polynomial time….
  • Definite random number? Fatalism? Incalculable?
  • If human have the super brain and nothing question cannot afford to be thought even for a second, what do we think and we just be a robot? Maybe emotion slows down our thinking and calculating speed is good for us…
  • Formal verification? How to guarantee the absolute security in software engineering?
  • After labeling, the original data equivalently is contaminated by artificial judgement. First impression are strongest.

Chinese: * 量子力学?薛定谔的猫 微观与宏观的科学差别 * 粒子无限细分?负物质。 * 超光速? * 目前的多数科学都是以发现各种现象为生产力。。混凝土结构都不清楚,只知道性质就开用了。。 * * 克隆人?其实万事万物都没有发现完全相同的存在。。就跟目前没有绝对随机数一样。。? * 大脑机制?神经网络,深度学习,人工智能? * 意识 心理 灵魂? * * 点与线的关系,线段与直线对应关系 * 可数无限 不可数无限 * 负数,复数等概念的提出 * 概率不在0/1间会怎样,负概率的概念有助于 某些计算?(物理意义?不可能的概率越大) * 。。。 * * 很多问题可以多项式时间得到验证,却无法多项式时间给出具体解法求值。。 * 有绝对的随机数吗?宿命论? * 一切问题都禁不起思考的话,人类会是在想什么呢(是不是情感太阻碍计算速度了),还是只是成了台机器呵呵,有时候就是这么“残酷”呵呵。。 * 程序的验证问题?软件工程绝对安全性? * 人们喜欢给各种食物加上各种标签,就像Python的字典,Java的map。。但是这往往意味着信息的丢失,以偏概全,使得以后容易犯“先入为主”的错误。就像先入为主这个词语,不学这个成语可以有先到为王的意思; 再往高层抽象,“先”可以为“祖先”的意思; 抽象,“先”可以换成同音字“仙”考虑。。。可以无限# 发散思维 #。。。 *

Thinking Process

I think people will think just because they need or want to do something. The desired need such as dream, sluggishness motivates the thought and action. And everyone has their own thought way, some efficient and some usually frozen. Learning some fundamental machine learning algorithms really help me to retrospect our learning process. Firstly, we always start thinking from self-knowledge and apperceiving outside environment. And before thinking and learning, we need crystallize our goal like optimization objective even evaluation criterion. Secondly, according to the learning model trained by the historical lesson and ourselves experience, we can get our answer. Then the returned answer will affect the environment included ourselves. So we can get feedback from our judgement basis. Certainly, we can regularly reflect the feedback, input, output, environment even our goal or model to make our integral model more efficient, extensible, flexible and robust. Also we can improve and enrich the thinking model, which definitely deepens our understanding about ourselves and the world.

Chinese: I think because I need 思考是因为有需求,需要行动(为了理想或者远离思考,自主选择高效思考模式) 人的思考过程,认识自身处境,感知世界万物,明确各阶段目标;根据历史教训、自身经验阶段性地做出判断,加深或改变自身的理解(经常回顾总结梳理使自己的模型更高效、鲁棒、可扩展);给出结果回馈,对万物造成影响,根据判断模型评价此次行动的效果,对思考模型进行改进、充实。。。 …
